Constance McMillen Will At Least Get Attorney Fees
Constance McMillen, the gay teen who was barred from taking her girlfriend to prom and then invited to a sham prom, will get her attorney fees.
It’s not a huge amount of money, but maybe the message is more important? U.S. District Judge Glen H. Davidson ordered McMillen’s Mississippi school district to pay about $81,000. Even though the school district canceled the prom, McMillen was still entitled to attorney fees because she was the prevailing plaintiff in a civil rights case.
Let’s hope $81,000 gets the attention of school districts in Mississippi and elsewhere. At the very least, that’s got to be more than they usually spend on prom. Maybe they’ll figure out it’s cheaper to let their gay students party with whomever they want.
Curbing Client And Talent Loss With Productivity Tech
Judge awards legal fees in Miss. lesbian prom case [Associated Press via ABA Journal]
Earlier: You Can Dance If You Want To (Unless You’re a Lesbian)