Lawyerly Lairs: The Five Most Expensive Attorney Abodes in Washington, D.C.

Washington lawyers own some pretty spectacular real estate. Here are the five most expensive lawyerly lairs in D.C....

This is the “living room,” but doesn’t it look more like a grand ballroom?

And this vast expanse is the “family room.” Whose family — Octomom’s?

This kitchen looks larger than many an NYC apartment:

This house would be great for hosting a summer associate event. Anyone up for billiards?


Pretty sick, isn’t it? Keeping this house clean is a real #1percentproblem.

To learn more about the Hacker house, check out the full listing. And to read more about the homes discussed above — as well as all the other homes in the top 50, including the #1 residence, worth a whopping $45.5 million — visit Washingtonian.

50 Most Expensive Homes [Washingtonian]
Robert Hacker House [Home Visit]

Earlier: Lawyerly Lairs: Capital Homes in the Capital
