Biglaw Blind Item: The $6 Million Men(Plus additional tidbits about Dewey partner compensation.)
Who are the two Dewey & LeBoeuf partners who earned more than $6 million in the year leading up to the firm's bankruptcy filing?
Here is Dewey’s statement of financial affairs (all 355 pages of it):
Dewey and LeBoeuf Statement of Financial Affairs
And here are the payment schedules for Partner A and Partner B. If you have interesting observations, please share them in the comments. Thanks.
Law Firm Business Development Is More Than Relationship Building
Dewey and LeBoeuf – Payments to Partner A
Dewey and LeBoeuf – Payments to Partner B
Dewey & LeBoeuf – Statement of Financial Affairs [U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York]
Dewey paid top duo $1.1m bonuses on eve of collapse, filings show [The Lawyer]
Earlier: Dewey Know How Much Firm Managers Received as LeBoeuf Was Being Cooked?