Quote of the Day: Way to Broadcast This Girl's Lack of Judgment to the Entire World!

Indiana Tech Law School admits its first student, and brags about it in a press release. This poor girl...

As long as it’s something I’m committed to, I think I can find a way to make it work.

— Megan Marks, Indiana Tech Law School’s first admitted student, commenting in a school-sponsored press release on what it’s like to be part of the school’s first class.

(Read on for some additional pearls of wisdom from Ms. Marks and the administration at Indiana Tech Law.)

Apparently the powers that be at Indiana Tech are very excited about all of the lemmings that have applied to the school thus far via their early admissions program. From the Journal Gazette:

“Knowing that students like Megan are interested in us means that our message is reaching the very population we would like to have in our student body,” [Law School Dean Peter Alexander] said.

By “students like Megan,” does Dean Alexander mean students who easily lured into making poor decisions and are thus willing to attend unaccredited law schools in times of turmoil for the legal profession? It certainly sounds like that’s what he’s talking about, given Marks’s rather flippant response about her career:


Indiana Tech School of Law joins four other Indiana law schools during a time when some say not enough jobs are available for all the lawyers passing the bar exam.

Marks said she’s not concerned about job prospects….

That’s probably a good thing, Megan, because the law school doesn’t seem to be that concerned, either.

Indiana Tech admits 1st law school student [Journal Gazette]
