
Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Novelist and Blogger

Scratch a lawyer and you'll find an aspiring writer beneath the surface. Trying to make the jump from practicing law to a full-time writing career? Here's a case study.

Beneath the skin of many a suit-sporting lawyer beats the heart of a writer. Law offices across the land are stocked with aspiring novelists, poets, journalists, and others who long to write things other than credit agreements or motions to dismiss.

Perhaps you’re a literary type who went to law school on a lark but long to return to the world of arts and letters. If so, keep reading to learn about how to make that dream a reality….

In today’s installment of their continuing series on career alternatives for attorneys, our friends at Bloomberg Law interview Aidan Donnelley Rowley, who left Biglaw behind to write a novel, Life After Yes (affiliate link), and to blog, for her own site and for the Huffington Post.

Where did she go to law school? Which firm did she work at? And what advice would she offer to lawyers who’d like to become writers? Here’s her interview with Spencer Mazyck:

Yes, Rowley was lucky enough not to have any student loans. But she made her own luck too. As she explains in the story of how she got her book deal, becoming a published author takes persistence and drive.

Congratulations to Aidan Donnelley Rowley on making the jump from law to the literary life. May her story serve as an inspiration for any of our readers who are contemplating a similar move.

Stealth Lawyer: Aidan Donnelley Rowley, Author & Blogger [Bloomberg Law via YouTube]
Ivy League Insecurities by Aidan Donnelley Rowley [author website]
Aidan Donnelley Rowley [Huffington Post]
Life After Yes: A Novel [Amazon (affiliate link)]

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