Caption Contests

Caption Contest Winner: Lady Justice Gets A Makeover

We know sex sells, but does it sell legal services? Here's the winner of our latest caption contest.

We recently asked readers to submit possible captions for this example of innovative lawyer advertising:

Over the holiday weekend, you voted on the finalists, and now it’s time to announce the winner of our contest….

In case you’re wondering, yes, this is a real ad for a real law firm. As noted by Jezebel, “[t]he advertisement is the work of two lawyers, Mona Patel and Dana Wares, who run a practice called The Law Offices of Lady Justice. They handle bankruptcy and personal injury cases, among other things. Their phone number: 888-LADY-121.” They’re based in California (of course).

Our winning caption could perhaps be the new slogan for the Law Offices of Lady Justice:

Because justice is blind, but you’re not.

Thanks to everyone for suggesting comments and for voting. If you wrote the winning caption, feel free to email us, subject line “Caption Contest Winner,” to claim your prize (an Above the Law t-shirt).

Sex Appeal Seems a Risky Way to Advertise Your Legal Services [Jezebel]

Earlier: Caption Contest Finalists: Lady Justice Gets A Makeover
Caption Contest: Lady Justice Gets A Makeover