Pics Of A Celebrity Arrest And Other Diversions From Your Friday Workload

It's time for another roundup of funny stuff on the legally-themed Internet.

Look Mum gave voice to possibly the most annoying partner foible in the world. It’s happened to everyone:

Cut And Paste The Partner’s Wording. She Still Makes Edits.

The follow-up is that bittersweet moment when the partner doesn’t just edit it, but actively criticizes you for how terrible that language is and you can point out where you got it and watch them backpeddle like Superman at spin class.

But hey, at least working at a firm offers exciting stories to tell all your friends:

“I’m Working On A Really Interesting Banking Matter At The Moment.”

On the other hand it’s better than the lawyer still obsessed with what they pulled off years ago:

“Well, I was on journal… and after I graduated Order of the Coif I clerked for this very important judge.”


Finally, when playing poker, Elie wears his Harvard sweatshirt to intimidate people. That’s why I’m ordering everyone else in the office these (h/t Illegalities):

Hey, if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably a fan of funny stuff on the Interwebs. Do us a solid and let us know what legally-related subreddits you enjoy. Reddit is basically the big scary monster of the Internet because its layout is designed to confuse the uninitiated and I’m positive I’m missing great stuff just because I don’t know what’s available.

Enjoy the rest of the week, and go Team Rice!

Oh, who are we kidding, the Pro Bowl blows.
