Top Tweets From The Attorney@Blog Conference

Highlights from live commentary on the ATL blogger conference

As you’ve likely heard, last Friday ATL hosted its inaugural Attorney@Blog conference at the Yale Club in New York. The conference comprised a series of lively, informative, and occasionally profane panel discussions on topics near to our heart: free speech, hate speech, the state of legal journalism, and technical trends. By all accounts, a good time was had by both the panelists and attendees, and we can’t wait to do it all over again next year.

As befitting a social media-themed conference, the day was heavily tweeted, with our hashtag (#AttyAtBlog) managing to trend for hours. Read on for a round-up of the day’s top tweets.

Staci Zaretsky moderated a panel, The Trolls: Confronting (or Ignoring) Racism and Sexism, which looked at various strategies for dealing with hateful speech online. At one point the panelists read aloud actual ad hominem attacks upon themselves. It was pretty awkward actually, as William Peacock of FindLaw noted:

Panelist Jessie Kornberg of Ms. JD has an explanation as to why offensive speech thrives online:


The People’s Therapist manages to spin the vitriol into a backhanded compliment:


Marc Randazza, in the discussion on free speech issues, noted a “batsh**t crazy” exception to defamation law — which prompted this response from @beezuskiddo:

Joe Patrice’s session, on technical trends and best practices, was chockful of fun facts:

Joe also had to engage in some remedial education:

Karen Sloan of the National Law Journal and our own Elie presented a study in journalistic contrasts. Karen thinks Elie would do well to, you know, actually speak with the people he’s writing about:

But Elie Mystal has his reasons for his approach:

And he certainly has no trouble sleeping at night:

Thanks once again to our panelists, our guests, our sponsors, and to everyone who tweeted about the conference. The day wouldn’t have been such a huge success without you!

ATL Attorney@Blog Recap: The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging [Hellerman Baretz Communications]
Above The Law a mainstay in legal journalism [Real Lawyers Have Blogs]
Attorney@Blog [Above the Law (official conference website)]