Boutique Law Firms

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later — As Long As You Have Insurance

Want to see a funny video segment about a controversial way of providing legal services to gun owners?

Q: You can’t just have a bunch of clients with preexisting intentions to kill someone?

A: Yeah, that would certainly make things more risky for the firm.

— An exchange between Above the Law columnist Carolyn Elefant and Daily Show correspondent Jordan Klepper, in a segment about the trend of small law firms offering “self-defense retainer plans” for gun owners.

(Read more and watch the full, funny clip, after the jump.)

Last month, Carolyn Elefant wrote a post for Above the Law entitled Is A Virginia Small Firm’s $8.33/Month Self-Defense Retainer Plan A Hit Or Miss? A Daily Show producer came across Carolyn’s piece in the course of researching the subject of these “insurance plans” for gun owners, then invited her on the show.

Here’s the full clip. Carolyn appears around the 1:45 mark:

Protecting Shooters Everywhere [The Daily Show]
‘Daily Show’ takes aim at gun rights legal defense firms [ABA Journal]

Earlier: Is A Virginia Small Firm’s $8.33/Month Self-Defense Retainer Plan A Hit Or Miss?