This Pissed-Off Judge Is Really Sick Of Discovery Disputes

The judge was so annoyed with the litigants in this case that she wrote a rather sarcastic ruling.


The parties are inching towards the end of discovery, the time for which has been extended repeatedly. Most recently, this Court declared that all discovery will terminate at the end of February. The parties bring yet another discovery dispute before the Court….

Much as the Court admires the advocacy of counsel, it is exhausted with these disputes. Contrary to its usual practice, the Court will rule immediately, in writing….

— The title and introduction of a recent ruling by Judge Rosemary Collyer (D.D.C.) in a drawn-out case concerning wrongful termination. Judge Collyer flexed her “judicial sarcasm” muscles previously in this case when she told lawyers to “sit down and take deep breaths” during another discovery fight.

(If you’re interested, flip to the next page to see Judge Collyer’s full order.)
