Another 'Reply All' Screw-Up: Tell Us How You Really Feel

Who doesn't love a good "reply all" scandal?

I hate you emails email scandalWe keep offering advice about proper email usage in our pages (such as yesterday’s column about email attachments). And it seems that lawyers and law students keep needing it.

The classic email screw-up is the “reply all” error, when a message intended for one recipient or a limited group of recipients gets unintentionally sent to everyone on a thread. Over the years, we’ve covered some pretty epic ones — e.g., “especially when you’re in a tight dress” and “Why are we both still at this firm?”

This latest “reply all” mistake isn’t as awfully awesome (or awesomely awful), but it’s still pretty fun. This went down yesterday on the unofficial listserv for federal law clerks here in New York City:

SDNY clerk email listserv listserve I fucking hate her

This should make for some awkward interactions around 40 Foley and 500 Pearl. The best kind of drama is… law clerk drama.

As for the hated law clerk, she might suffer some hurt feelings — but nothing that a $75,000 signing bonus can’t cure.

Earlier: Beyond Biglaw: Strong Attachments (Or: Important Advice About Email)
Biglaw Partner Offers Cautionary Tale in Use of ‘Reply All’
A Biglaw Partner’s Lecherous ‘Reply All’
Clerkship Bonus Watch: Will $75K Become The New Standard?
