Thank You, Tipsters!

You are the absolute best. Pat yourselves on the back with a "Like."

thank you billboardJust a quick note on behalf of all of us here: the tipster community is absolutely killing it this week. I’ve tried to respond to some of your texts and emails, but frankly, I haven’t been as thorough as I’d like because often there are 10-20 more tips coming in while I’ve already moved on to writing the story. You’ve been our eyes and ears this week and we couldn’t have done it without you. So if you haven’t heard back from one of us directly, know that we’re all incredibly appreciative of your help in keeping the legal world aware of the latest salary moves.

And it’s not just when you receive confirmation. If you know that the partners are meeting, let us know that too! It’s tremendously helpful to have the head’s up that an announcement — one way or the other — is imminent.

As always, a reminder that when your firm matches, please text us (646-820-8477) or email us (subject line: “[Firm Name] Matches Cravath”). Please include the memo if available. You can take a photo of the memo and send it via text or email if you don’t want to forward the original PDF or Word file.

Joe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.


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