What Is It Like To Practice Biglaw In The Summer?

Being a summer associate is awesomeness wrapped in terror.

summer associates pool party beach partyFor summer associates staring at their newly-heftier paychecks — and yes, we realize no one really gets paychecks in the age of direct deposit, but then again phones don’t actually ring either unless you’re the hipster doofus who sets your iPhone to sound like a 40s receiver — the summer experience is a party fraught with danger. You have to live it up to show your superiors that you’re one of the gang… but not so much you end up embarrassing yourself. As we discuss in this week’s podcast, we have some legendary tales of summer associates embarrassing themselves.

How should a summer associate attack this opportunity with a major firm? We talk about that too, from getting the most out of lunch to maximizing your professional opportunities.

And for full-time associates, watching all the fun those law students have while you toil may be a slap in the face, but try to have some fun anyway.

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