Non-Sequiturs: 12.23.16

Ed. note: In observance of the holidays, Above the Law will be on a reduced publication schedule today and dark Monday, December 26th. We hope you don't have to bill too much more in 2016! Have a happy holiday! * Be careful when shopping last-minute holiday deals on Amazon -- counterfeits are aplenty. [Slate] * This terrible Missouri law makes school fights a felony. [Huffington Post] * Some law professors have their panties in a twist over the University of Oregon's handling of a law professor's decision to wear blackface to a Halloween party. [Tax Prof Blog] * Lessons from the North Carolina political shit show. [Salon] * Google's employee confidentiality agreement is the subject of a lawsuit. [Law and More]

holiday-gifts-Christmas-presents-shopping-gift-guide-300x199Ed. note: In observance of the holidays, Above the Law will be on a reduced publication schedule today and dark Monday, December 26th. We hope you don’t have to bill too much more in 2016! Have a happy holiday!

* Be careful when shopping last-minute holiday deals on Amazon — counterfeits are aplenty. [Slate]

* This terrible Missouri law makes school fights a felony. [Huffington Post]

* Some law professors have their panties in a twist over the University of Oregon’s handling of a law professor’s decision to wear blackface to a Halloween party. [Tax Prof Blog]

* Lessons from the North Carolina political shit show. [Salon]

* Google’s employee confidentiality agreement is the subject of a lawsuit. [Law and More]
