Lawyers As Leaders: Is Your Personality Too Legal?
Lawyers tend to score lower than the public in sociability, resilience, and empathy.
At the recent Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) annual meeting, we were inspired to see more change in the legal profession and we’re continuing our series of articles summarizing the highlights of what we learned.
According to Larry Richard, a psychologist who studies lawyers, personality explains about one third of any human behavior. Richard’s research over the past 30 years has shown that “lawyers tend to have distinctive ‘outlier’ personality traits that dramatically differ from the general public.”
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According to Richard, lawyers tend to score much higher in the following traits than the general public: skepticism, autonomy, urgency, and abstract reasoning.
High skepticism “is the hallmark trait for lawyers,” according to Richard. They intuitively question assertions made by others, wonder about hidden motives, scrutinize decisions, and tend not to give others the benefit of the doubt. “Lawyers like to be in control and they don’t like others telling them what to do,” he adds.
Similarly, patience is not a virtue for many lawyers. “They can’t stand waiting and they may finish others’ sentences,” says Richard. These traits are not always valued in the modern corporate world, where we expect business professionals be collaborative and inclusive.
“Abstract Reasoning — analyzing, solving problems, and using their intellect — is also a hallmark trait of lawyers,” explains Richard. “This trait lines up perfectly with the work that lawyers do.” Richard continues, “In fact, it is the number one trait that explains who goes into law, as well as who stays in law. Yet in a corporate setting, overuse of this trait can lead to the classic ‘analysis paralysis.’”
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According to Richard, lawyers also tend to score lower than the public in sociability, resilience, and empathy. Richard explains that low sociability means that “lawyers tend to prefer not to disclose a lot about their personal life. They don’t tend to pay as much attention to the personal lives of others and avoid vulnerability or interactions that they see as intimate, labeling both as ‘touchy-feely’.”
As a result, interactions with lawyers tend to be awkward and lack customary ease. “And nine out of ten lawyers are low in “resilience.” This means they are thin-skinned and get defensive easily,” Richard adds.
The Leader Personality: At Odds With the “Lawyer Personality”
According to Richard, this combination of distinctive ‘outlier’ personality traits is at odds with the personalities valued in leaders. “Effective leaders experiment, take risks, challenge the status quo, look for innovative ways to improve the organization, and accept any inevitable disappointments as learning opportunities,” Richard explains. “They also foster collaboration, build spirited teams, actively involve others, and understand the importance of mutual respect.”
Richard adds, “Accomplishing extraordinary things in organizations is hard work. Leaders must keep hope and determination alive. They recognize contributions that individuals make. Leaders celebrate accomplishments so that members can share in the rewards of their efforts.” That sounds like a lot to remember, but Richard sums it up well: “Good leaders make others feel like heroes.”
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Modern-Day Challenge: Reconciling Lawyers and Leadership
The disparity between the typical lawyer personality and the typical personality valued in leaders has some unpleasant consequences. “The kinds of personality traits that typify lawyers — and which can help them to be really excellent lawyers — can make it more challenging for them to be effective leaders,” says Richard.
The good news, however, is that with self-reflection, feedback and practice, lawyers can overcome any “over-lawyering” tendencies and be seen as true leaders. “A mindful lawyer who is willing to mentally rehearse new thoughts and behavioral repertoires can dramatically improve their leadership effectiveness,” says Richard.
Lawyers need to specifically work on developing characteristics that set them apart as leaders. For example, they need to find ways to serve as role models, setting examples for others to follow. “Lawyers need to establish standards of excellence about how people should be treated and how goals should be pursued,” Richard explains. He adds, “Lawyers must also find a way to inspire a shared vision and enlist others in their dreams.” Breaking out of the lawyerly comfort zone ultimately means embracing collaboration, taking risks, and being more people-focused.
Richard’s practical advice shows that you really can teach an old lawyer new tricks! Once a lawyer acknowledges how their “outlier” personality traits may be foreclosing leadership opportunities, they can focus on developing their leadership persona. Because the legal profession is evolving, lawyers are increasingly adding value in roles with great leadership potential. By following Richard’s advice, tomorrow’s lawyers can be ready to embrace these new leadership roles.
Olga V. Mack and Katia Bloom are startup enthusiasts who embrace the current disruption to the legal profession. Long gone are the days when in-house legal departments simply manage outside counsel or provide services. Today’s legal department is a sophisticated business unit that co-manages the company’s bottom line, embraces technology, and analyzes risks constructively. Mack and Bloom love this change and are dedicated to improving and shaping the future of the legal profession. Together they passionately collect and share inspiring stories of legal leaders who are thriving through the ongoing tectonic shift. Mack and Bloom are convinced that the legal profession will emerge from this revolution even stronger, more resilient, and inclusive than before. They are currently co-authoring a manual of the skills and traits lawyers need to succeed in — and even enjoy — today’s rapidly evolving in-house legal departments. You can reach them at [email protected] and [email protected] or @olgavmack and @bloomkatia on Twitter.