I Don't Know Where To Look -- See Also

TWIN GERMAN FITNESS MODELS FUNDING LAW SCHOOL WITH INSTAGRAM POSTS: I'm sure you want to read words about them. The beautiful, taut words are why this post is doing so well. I'm sure there's a single mother out there offsetting law school costs by working two jobs over the weekends, but, we just don't have the words to describe that struggle in a way that will pop on the internet. Look at these words, here. ALABAMA REPUBLICAN SUGGESTS PROSECUTING ROY MOORE'S ACCUSERS: Oh, not because he thinks they're lying and should be prosecuted for defamation. That's East Coast elite levels of sexism. No, this guy thinks that if they're telling the truth, they should be prosecuted for taking too long to come forward. Read about how they victim-blame down South. TWO LAWYERS HONORED AT LAST WEEK'S LGBTQ WOMEN'S EVENT: David Lat has a nice report. BIGLAW ISN'T AS BAD AS ACTUAL COMBAT: It feels that way, but this veteran assures us that actual war is worse than billing a lot of hours. His thoughts here. HAPPY VETERANS DAY: Thank you for your service.

TWIN GERMAN FITNESS MODELS FUNDING LAW SCHOOL WITH INSTAGRAM POSTS: I’m sure you want to read words about them. The beautiful, taut words are why this post is doing so well. I’m sure there’s a single mother out there offsetting law school costs by working two jobs over the weekends, but, we just don’t have the words to describe that struggle in a way that will pop on the internet. Look at these words, here.

ALABAMA REPUBLICAN SUGGESTS PROSECUTING ROY MOORE’S ACCUSERS: Oh, not because he thinks they’re lying and should be prosecuted for defamation. That’s East Coast elite levels of sexism. No, this guy thinks that if they’re telling the truth, they should be prosecuted for taking too long to come forward. Read about how they victim-blame down South.


BIGLAW ISN’T AS BAD AS ACTUAL COMBAT: It feels that way, but this veteran assures us that actual war is worse than billing a lot of hours. His thoughts here.

HAPPY VETERANS DAY: Thank you for your service.
