John Kennedy Draws The Line At Ghost Hunting

Someone's actually showing some backbone on this judicial nominee.

What do you know? A GOP senator has broken with the administration in the blind drive to pack the courts with ideologues, no matter how unqualified. Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, a decidedly different kind of politician than the president of the same name, has never walked away from a right wing talking point, but he’s finally drawn a line in the sand when it comes to the federal judiciary. Kennedy announced that he’ll vote against Brett Talley.

You remember Talley, right? The 36-year-old ghost hunter and staunch defender of the “first KKK” patiently awaiting his rubber stamp appointment to the federal bench. He’s become something of a bellwether for just how low this Senate will go to pack the courts. Finally someone has decided “ghost hunter” is that bridge too far. It’s the least Kennedy could do as a public servant.

The absolute, bare minimum least.

Welcome to the Profiles in Courage: 2017 Edition! Now we all await the President’s Tweetstorm wondering why Ted Cruz’s dad didn’t finish the job or something.

GOP senator says he’ll vote against Trump judicial nominee [The Hill]

Earlier: Trump Judicial Nominee Is A Ghost Hunter, Proving The Bar Can Always Go A Little Lower
Judicial Nominee Brett Talley Loves Ghosts So Much He Apparently Thinks The KKK Were Kind Of Cool


HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.
