Join Us Next Week For The Above The Law Holiday Party

If you're in New York next week, come hang out with us.

If you haven’t made plans to join us next Thursday for our annual holiday party, then what’s wrong with you? Our parties are always a good time with free drinks, some food to nibble on, and the sympathetic ears of the ATL staff ready to hear all about your upcoming exam schedule or your grueling 2500-hour year.

We spend the whole year talking to you through our keyboards and we’re eager to thank you in person for reading.

This year we’ll be hosting at Axiom’s loft in SoHo, placing us in the happy middle ground between the Midtown and Downtown firms.

Here are all of the details:

When: Thursday, December 7, 2017
Where: Axiom, 295 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012
Time: 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Space is limited, so make sure you RSVP.
