Ty Cobb Went To A Scum Punk Show -- Let's Guess His Favorite 'Copstabber' Lyric!

Serving as Trump's lawyer for that many months does something to a man.

Ty Cobb

Fleeing a nearby wedding, Trump’s former lawyer Ty Cobb stopped into a punk show to see Copstabber perform at Slash Run the other night. Let that sink in. After months of looking at this president’s darkest secrets, this conservative lawyer is hanging out in punk bars.

And don’t give me the “oh he didn’t know them, he just walked in by chance.” A Republican has to go to some dark places to see Slash Run and think, “I could get a car back to the Four Seasons bar, but maybe I’ll just go into this place instead.”

After joining the scene, Cobb reportedly rocked out the rest of the night as caught in these photographs:

So which Copstabber classics is Cobb jamming to right now? Let’s consider some lyrics that might appeal to him.

“French people suck. French people suck. French people suck my dick.” — French People Suck: For my money, this is a better MAGA ballad that anything Lee Greenwood’s still coasting on.


“And if we piss you off that’s just… tough fucking shit.” — Tough Fucking Shit: Did I say the last one was a MAGA anthem? Because that ditty doesn’t have anything on this one.

“I stole pills from the pharmacy and shoved them up my ass.” — I Love Being A Scumbag: This touching piece shines a light on the tragedy of skyrocketing pharmaceutical drug prices that continue to rise despite Trump’s brilliant plan to “just ask them not to.”

“It’s my birth control suggestion, have abortions, more abortions. Hurray hurray for Roy v. Wade” — More Abortions: Um… not for long.

Cobb appeared to have a good time with the show, though one wonders if the old Copstabber standard “Caught Redhanded” might have led Cobb to think, “oh if you only knew what I know.”

Former Trump lawyer Ty Cobb dances to band called Copstabber [The Hill]


HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.