McCall Calhoun (Image via Twitter)
In the days since the attempted coup staged by Trump’s supporters in Washington, D.C., lawyers and lawmakers have been identified as members of the mob that broke into the U.S. Capitol, and the consequences have been quite severe. An in-house attorney lost his job, and a lawmaker resigned after being charged with a crime. That hasn’t stopped another lawyer from coming forward to admit that he was not only there at the scene, but he was one of the first to charge through the doors of the Capitol.
Meet McCall Calhoun, a solo practitioner who primarily does criminal defense work in Americus, Georgia. In addition to being an attorney for more than 30 years, according to his Twitter profile, Calhoun is an “Anti-Communist Counter-Revolutionary and mortal enemy of the Democrat Communists.” In a review of his services posted on FindLaw, Calhoun is referred to as a “racist bigot,” a “far right radical,” and a “nut job” who “has no business practicing law within these United States of America.” Lovely.

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This is McCall Calhoun.
He’s from Americus, Ga and he’s an attorney.
Yesterday he broke into the Capital building.
He has made multiple threats on Parler against politicians including Biden, Harris, and Stacy Abrams.
I have about 200 screenshots, I will post them all. pic.twitter.com/ZRcizCyqSk
— Houston Scott (@HoustonScott812) January 7, 2021
In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Calhoun says the actions of the rioters was nothing more than “civil disobedience,” likening the unruly crowd to “tourists.” That having been said, in one of his Parler posts from the day of the deadly attack, Calhoun reportedly wrote, “The Deep State cannot stop us. They learned that today when we stormed the Capitol and took it. The word is we’re all coming back armed for war.” Here’s a video that Calhoun shot while he was inside the Capitol:
If you’re an attorney and committing a crime, don’t record yourself and post it on social media. pic.twitter.com/9TkLsAQrvp
— Houston Scott (@HoustonScott812) January 9, 2021

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Here are some additional screenshots from his Parler page:

(Image via Twitter)

(Image via Twitter)
While chatting with the AJC, Calhoun dismissed all of his calls for violence and civil war as “heated political rhetoric.” Here are some excerpts from that interview:
“The crowd was of one mind. Everybody there had the same attitude. They felt they had been robbed of a fair election and the Congress wasn’t listening to them,” he said. “It probably wasn’t the best idea, but it was what this group of people did; they did it for the love of America.” …
“The people who went in there, what they did was heroic. It was very patriotic,” he said. “I’m not saying it was the ideal thing to do. I am saying at that time and place those people felt like that was their only hope. They don’t want to lose their democratic republic.” …
Calhoun said the worst criminal act he did was “trespassing.”
“I would freely admit that I trespassed, but I did it for the love of my country,” he said.
We suspect that the FBI and other relevant authorities that are investigating may have other thoughts on the matter. Good thing he practices criminal defense….
UPDATE: McCall Calhoun was arrested on January 15 and charged with entering a restricted building or grounds; violent entry or disorderly conduct; and tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.
Georgia attorney among those who broke into U.S. Capitol [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
Staci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.