Lin Wood Has Some Thoughts About Walmart Using Fetuses To Help The Illuminati Or Something

He's having himself a week.

(Photo by Apu Gomes/Getty Images)

Lin Wood’s got some sanction trouble in Michigan and the Georgia bar has some serious questions about his faculties but that’s not stopping the intrepid attorney from speaking the #truth to the #patriots out there.

And that “truth” is…. “Stop going to Walmart, stop going to Target,” Wood instructed. “Stop buying the food that they have been producing for years with fetal tissue parts to kill you!” Is there some kind of “super veal” I’m not aware of? Look, even though this is a bizarre and seemingly baseless accusation, I’ve got to be honest and say it would still beat eating carbs.

There’s a lot in this less-than-a-minute clip.

“John D. Rockefeller was a devil worshipper, part of the Illuminati.” What in the shitty Dan Brown sequel is this? Regardless, it’s not clear how we get from Target selling some new “superduper veal” to Standard Oil. If the goal was to call out people deserving a Sherman Act smackdown, it was just a hop and skip from the last sentence to Sam Walton, which is also absurd and no one actually thinks rig– uh oh.

“Do the research, connect the dots, Illuminati is real.”

Um, Westlaw red flags this statement for strong negative treatment.


That’s some wild stuff.

Hopefully, he’s cooled off since then. Let’s check in on him this morning:

Oh. All right. Actively fomenting a violent uprising. Cool. Obviously not the most important takeaway, but has anyone else noticed that Boomers have flocked to the emoji communication? This is a generation that has no end of vitriol for using the word “like,” but has decided to go all in on teenager hieroglyphics. Whatever, I digress.


As wild as these antics are, it’s worth remembering that there were law schools honoring this guy not too long ago. On the one hand, that’s what makes this so sad — there was a point where Wood was a brash, but otherwise reasonable lawyer, suggesting this decline may reflect a tragic health issue. On the other hand, putting aside Wood’s personal susceptibility to this claptrap, he’s appearing before audiences. There are people out there who definitively are not suffering diagnosable mental decline willing to put Wood on a stage and then hang on his every word.

As disjointed and bonkers as those words may be.

Earlier: Kraken Legal Team Gets Flayed In Scathing Sanctions Order
You Oughtta Have Your Head Examined, GA Bar Tells Lin Wood. Or Else.
Yikes, It’s Not Even Been A Year Since Law Schools Were Honoring Lin Wood

HeadshotJoe Patrice is a senior editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news. Joe also serves as a Managing Director at RPN Executive Search.