Marketing Without Social Media

Take a step back from social media marketing and try some other techniques.

We all know the importance of social media marketing for your law firm. But, how do you continue to market when people express fatigue from the fire hose of information sent our way each day? For me, the last thing I want to do is log on Facebook or Instagram and doom scroll. If I feel this way, and many of my friends feel this way, our clients must also feel this way when it comes to the incessant drone of marketing on social media.

So, how can you market your services when everyone is exhausted, distracted, and downright oversaturated with the onslaught of information? I have some ideas.

Contact Former Clients

I know. How 1990s of me. I think we need to go back to picking up the phone and calling people. And no, not cold calling for business, calling because you are a human being and you care. You can call former clients to see how they are doing. If you keep a record of things like birthdays or milestones, call and congratulate, and send a thoughtful gift like warm cookies. By being thoughtful, you aren’t trying to sell, you are showing genuine concern and placing yourself on their minds. Past clients are often pleasantly surprised by their attorney reaching out. You stand out when you employ this lost art.

Contact Your Centers Of Influence

No matter your practice area, opportunities exist to reach out to professionals who work with, are around the types of clients you want to serve, or who could refer or introduce you to new business prospects.


For example, send a box of cookies to your financial planning colleagues if you are an estate planner. Then, follow up and check in on them. Ask how they are doing during these crazy times. Ask how their clients are faring in this economic climate. Find out how to be generous to them and offer your services to their clientele via a webinar or a workshop or by participating in their events.

Offer Referral Incentives

Word of mouth is one of the best ways of bringing in new clients. Some of my best clients have come to me because past clients or centers of influence have raved about my services. However, getting referrals takes careful consideration to provide rewards to the referrer and the referred.

For past clients giving referrals, sending a gift is usually a welcome idea. You can send clients gift cards or make donations in their name to a charity of their choice. If current clients give you referrals, there are more options, including discounts and gifts work. Ask satisfied clients for referrals at the end of providing services. For centers of influence, I send creative gifts to get the attention of the referrer. In the past, I’ve sent college football-themed baskets or quirky office supplies.

As ethics rules vary from state to state, make sure you check with your local state bar ethics guidelines and your tax professional boards before creating your referral program.


Taking a step back from social media marketing and trying some of the techniques I mentioned is a deviation from what has been very hot marketing advice in the past. It is going back to basics and takes patience and consistency (and record keeping) to do so. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Even a couple of hours a week putting yourself out there will produce fruit.

Are you burned out on social media marketing? How have you reached out to past clients? Send me an email here to let me know:

Iffy Ifeoma Ibekwe HeadshotIffy Ibekwe is the principal attorney of Ibekwe Law, PLLC. She believes that women deserve to make decisions that affect them with wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents. Activating women is Iffy’s calling, and she also loves speaking internationally about entrepreneurship, estate planning, motherhood, and supporting other women lawyers. Currently, Iffy is writing her first book on culturally competent estate planning, available in 2023 (prayers up!). A double-Longhorn, Iffy graduated from The University of Texas (undergrad and law) and has practiced law for over 15 years. Iffy can be reached by email at, her websiteLinkedIn, and Instagram @iffyibekweesq.