
Today At ILTACON: ‘We’ve Only Just Begun’

ILTACON 2023 is now in full swing! Here's a rundown of today's events.

data_Law_Justice (1)Ed. note: To help kick off our new “ILTA on ATL” channel, we’ll be bringing you daily updates from ILTACON this week. The event kicked off Sunday and runs through Thursday in Orlando. 

Yesterday was a great day at the conference. We hope the over 3,200 attendees and 1,700 members on site with us at the conference filled their minds with awesome new content, made new contacts, developed business ideas and opportunities, and most of all had fun at the great tailgate party, affinity receptions and all the other events! 

And today sees the first full day for the Exhibit Hall, which is of course much anticipated by all. There are 158 booths available for attendees to visit, with 183 sponsors here in all, so it’s safe to say there is something for everyone looking to learn about the latest and greatest in legal tech. And, to quote the legendary musical group, The Carpenters, “We’ve Only Just Begun.”

And remember, if you have any questions at all, the ILTA Hub and ILTA Desk are open 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. in both locations and available to provide you with assistance.  

On The Docket – Tuesday offers another blitz of company updates and educational sessions. But it is preceded by more than a bit of fun in the keynote, the amazing mentalism and magic offered by Ken Salaz, one of the world’s premiere corporate entertainers. This is a rare treat for us, I hope you find the time to check it out.  

On the educational front, and again we want to thank all the ILTA members who put so much of their time and talents into planning the systems, we have some great content on tap. 

For those wanting to ramp up skills in the AI area, sessions on Large Language Models, a day in the life of an AI group dot the horizon. Emerging tech folks can feast on sessions related to the metaverse and data science in legal, and there is a track dedicated to cybersecurity speaking to C-suite issues, cyber insurance considerations and other related topics.   

Also, the SALI Alliance holds an informational meeting at 5 p.m. This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest happenings in legal standards, including what various leading companies are doing to adopt the standards, including the emerging areas of API standards.  

ILTA Spotlight – Please consider visiting the ILTA Startup Hub. This is a featured showcase of, at current count, 28 legal IT and tech startups, disruptors and visionaries grouped within an exhibitor destination at ILTACON 2023 (at the Dolphin). 

We’re thrilled to see some many innovative companies here with us at the event. The Startup Hub is a great opportunity for visibility — both for company participants and legal IT and tech decision makers — to learn more about emerging capabilities and legal profession functional needs. 

There are many Startup Hub presentations today, please check your agenda and try to attend to learn more about the functionality of some of these highly creative companies.  

Entertainment Tonight – Dean Marion provides our pre-keynote entertainment at 8:30 this morning, don’t miss it! The ILTA and Zero Cocktails and Comedy Lounge kicks off at 5 p.m. in Dolphin and there are a bevy of sponsor events as well to choose from.  Have a great time!  

A Word From Our Sponsors –  Sponsors are the lifeblood of ILTACON, please visit their booths, demo rooms, which are generally available from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today, to learn more about their outstanding offerings.

Today’s company updates in Dolphin and the Yacht locations are from Zero, Intapp, Fulcrum GT, NetDocuments, FileTrail, and Litera. Here are a few thoughts from our sponsors on what they value at ILTACON.

Josh Baxter, CEO, NetDocuments: “No matter how many times you’ve attended ILTA’s staple annual event, you can’t deny that there’s a certain level of anticipation that comes with stepping onto the conference grounds. And, it’s hard to imagine a more important time for legal technology professionals to be gathering, as we are witnessing truly game-changing innovation in the advancement of AI-powered solutions. ILTACON is a special experience, and the NetDocuments team is excited to be there, at the forefront of legal tech innovation and knowledge-sharing, reimagining the future, and showcasing how we help legal professionals do their best work.”

Thomas Suh, COO and co-Founder of LegalMation: “As a company that has incorporated targeted GenAI into its Response Creator platform for years, we look forward to attending the numerous ILTACON sessions that touch on this important topic. ILTACON offers us a great opportunity to talk to session presenters and attendees alike for face-to-face engagement to identify additional use cases. And because LegalMation takes a more “inside the firm” focus to its use of AI, whereas other firms apply a broader data set to their solutions, being at ILTACON is critical to better understanding the broader market.”

Kenneth Jones is the Chief Operating Officer of Xerdict Group LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tanenbaum Keale LLP that offers technology-based services including SaaS litigation and matter management applications to the Firm’s clients.