
This Is Why People Hate Lawyers — See Also

Ohio Supreme Court Rules "Boneless" Means Expect Bones Actually: They also can't differentiate between glorified chicken nuggets and fish fillets. The Call Is Coming From Inside The House: Kagan wishes her colleagues actually had to be ethical. Again. Can't Just Ignore This Business: 303 Creative litigant needs someone to pay $2M in lawyer fees. Keep Your Eyes On Those Clerkships!: These schools excel at placing students in state clerkships. Comparison Is The Thief Of Saving Face: This might be the first and last time Giuliani gets compared to George Washington.

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Do you hear yourselves, Ohio?

Ohio Supreme Court Rules “Boneless” Means Expect Bones, Actually: They also can’t differentiate between glorified chicken nuggets and fish fillets.

The Call Is Coming From Inside The House: Kagan wishes her colleagues actually had to be ethical. Again.

Can’t Just Ignore This Business: 303 Creative litigant needs someone to pay $2M in lawyer fees.

Keep Your Eyes On Those Clerkships!: These schools excel at placing students in state clerkships.

Comparison Is The Thief Of Saving Face: This might be the first and last time Giuliani gets compared to George Washington.