Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 10.22.24

* Central Park 5 have figured out what Dominion and Jean Carroll did -- Trump is a defamation machine and you don't have to take it. [NBC] * Murdoch sues Perplexity for training on content which is dumb, but not as dumb as thinking the Wall Street Journal is good enough content to use for training. [Reuters] * Goodwin pushes back against layoff narrative. [American Lawyer] * Lawyer says trust accounts were needed to avoid becoming homeless. [ABA Journal] * A government agency whose whole method of delivering results is now under siege? Which party could possibly be responsible? [Reuters] * People having sex might not get pregnant if Joe Biden has his way. [Law360]

973077* Central Park 5 have figured out what Dominion and Jean Carroll did — Trump is a defamation machine and you don’t have to take it. [NBC]

* Murdoch sues Perplexity for training on content which is dumb, but not as dumb as thinking the Wall Street Journal is good enough content to use for training. [Reuters]

* Goodwin pushes back against layoff narrative. [American Lawyer]

* Lawyer says trust accounts were needed to avoid becoming homeless. [ABA Journal]

* A government agency whose whole method of delivering results is now under siege? Which party could possibly be responsible? [Reuters]

* People having sex might not get pregnant if Joe Biden has his way. [Law360]