Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 10.25.24

* "Would you like e. Coli with that?" McDonald's lawsuits begin. [Law360] * Trump says that if elected he'd fire Jack Smith in least surprising news dump. [ABA Journal] * Despite progress, convincing lawyers to buy in to technology remains a challenge. Never mind, that might actually be the least surprising news dump. [ International] * Court blocks acquisition that would've further consolidated the handbag market. [Reuters] * Judgment insurance market suffers another loss... which will happen when insurance companies just start gambling. [Bloomberg Law News] * "Constitutional sheriffs" -- local officials who claim their office grants them the power to unilaterally override all the rest of the federalist system described in the Constitution have spent the last four years building ties with the election denial movement. [WIRED] * Company charges big bucks for paralegal training and some students aren't impressed. [Roll on Friday]

McDonald’s Same Store Sales Up 7.1 Percent In January

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

* “Would you like e. Coli with that?” McDonald’s lawsuits begin. [Law360]

* Trump says that if elected he’d fire Jack Smith in least surprising news dump. [ABA Journal]

* Despite progress, convincing lawyers to buy in to technology remains a challenge. Never mind, that might actually be the least surprising news dump. [ International]

* Court blocks acquisition that would’ve further consolidated the handbag market. [Reuters]

* Judgment insurance market suffers another loss… which will happen when insurance companies just start gambling. [Bloomberg Law News]

* “Constitutional sheriffs” — local officials who claim their office grants them the power to unilaterally override all the rest of the federalist system described in the Constitution have spent the last four years building ties with the election denial movement. [WIRED]

* Company charges big bucks for paralegal training and some students aren’t impressed. [Roll on Friday]