Clarence Thomas

How Law Nerds Will Get Laid on Valentine’s Day

Oh, baby! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the romantic stylings of Supreme Court justices...

— Meow! Down boys! This is a sexy little Valentine’s Day card created by the editors of the Georgetown Law Weekly.

(If this delicious diva doesn’t get your motor running, continue reading to see the romantic stylings of Justice Clarence Thomas.)

Come on, ladies, what’s not to like about the strong and silent type?

The ladies’ love for you is supreme, CT! Your giant… err, gavel… is almost too much for us to handle. (Just clean up after yourself next time; Anita Hill can attest to our dislike of pubic hairs in our Coke.)

Think that you can come up with something better? Click here for the template and additional cards, and feel free to submit your own Supreme Court or legally themed Valentine’s Day messages in the comments.

GU Law Weekly presents Supreme Court Valentines! [Georgetown Law Weekly]
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