Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Gay Porn Star?

We’ve written extensively in the past about law students and lawyers taking their clothes off for the camera. For whatever reason, most have been women. For example:

  • an associate from Thacher Proffitt (& Wood — hehe), who previously posed for Playboy;
  • a U. Miami law school graduate, who also posed for Playboy;
  • a UNC law student, who auditioned for Playboy’s pages; and
  • a Brooklyn law student, who appeared on Playboy TV.
  • But we are equal opportunity oglers here at Above the Law. We’re more than happy to write about naked male hotties (or clothed male hotties, at Davis Polk).
    Meet “Jacob” (surely not his real name). He’s a male law student who has turned to performing in gay pornography to pay his tuition.
    NOTE: We’ve included a screencap. It is safe for work, but it does include shots of a shirtless man, which some may find risqué. Accordingly, we’ve posted the image AFTER THE JUMP.
    Do NOT click on the “Continue reading” link below unless you are prepared to see some skin. Thanks.

    With on-campus interviewing going the way of the dodo, and no offers abounding even for those lucky enough to land summer associate gigs, what’s a law student to do?
    Take a second job. From, a leading gay porn purveyor:

    Most of the actors on Sean Cody appear to be waiters or valet parking attendants. Having a law student on the site is a novelty, which Sean Cody plays up when describing his site’s newest model:

    “I was actually the biggest nerd around.”

    That was how Jacob described himself in elementary and middle school.

    By high school, though, things had changed a bit.

    “I kind of perked up a little sophomore and junior year,” he explained.

    I’m guessing that his huge dick finally grew in, the other guys saw it in the shower, and word got around!

    Are those LSAT flash cards in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?


    Jacob is now 22, and he’s just starting law school. He started doing personal training in order to help pay for those outrageous tuition bills.

    Doing personal training — and now, apparently, men? Well, those law school loans won’t pay themselves (barring a student loan bailout). [FN1]
    If you don’t believe us, check out Sean Cody for yourself by clicking on the link below — which is, obviously, NSFW — Not Safe For Work. Enjoy!
    [FN1] For the record, though, Jacob’s first video is just a solo shoot; no action yet.
    If he turns out to be a top, does that mean he’ll be a gunner? Or are law school gunners dominant in the classroom but submissive in the bedroom?
    Jacob [Sean Cody – NOT SAFE FOR WORK]
