Above the Law

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Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 02.26.25

* Trump takes away Covington’s security clearances because they represent Jack Smith. If they want to see classified material, they have to hang out at Mar-a-Lago like every other hostile power. [Washington Post]

* Supreme Court refuses to put to death a man that even Oklahoma’s tough on crime prosecutors admit is innocent. 5-3. [Slate]

* Judge who told everyone he’d killed his wife says he didn’t mean to. [The Recorder]

* As companies bend over to appease the new administration, Apple is going the Costco route and refusing to back down from diversity commitments. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Alex Spiro is now billing $3000/hr. [Reuters]

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Law School Ranking Preview Shakes Up The Ranks! — See Also

Yale Is Where You’d Expect, But Check Out Everything Else!: Check to see if you might get an unexpected prestige bump!

Prepare To Fail Upward: Reality TV star’s fallback career is a six-figure salary billing away hours.

Where Does Your State Bar Stand On Diversity?: You’re gonna find out pretty soon.

Failure Is A Second Chance: The Cali Bar was so bad it offers test takers a free second bite at the apple.

Doing Your Job Is Woke Now: District Judge Paul Engelmayer gets a finger wagging for doing his job.
