Mary Kate Sullivan
Posts by Mary Kate Sullivan
Non-Sequiturs: 6.28.12
* Both CNN and Fox News initially misreported the Affordable Care Act decision this morning, stating the mandate had been struck down. The Washington Post has screencaps of our generation’s Dewey Defeats Truman moment. [The Fix / Washington Post] * Hmm… was Scalia’s dissent originally a majority opinion? [The Volokh Conspiracy] * Slate explains the other important part of the SCOTUS decision: Medicaid expansion. [Slate] * Days like today (and SCOTUS decisions like this morning’s) are the reason Twitter was invented. Buzzfeed has the day’s funniest reaction tweets for your perusal. [Buzzfeed] * In the midst of all this ACA talk, The Onion reminds us of another mandate for 25-year-olds that sounds awfully familiar. [The Onion] * First they came for Megaupload… now the owner of has been convicted of conspiracy to defraud in England. [Guardian] * A Liverpool woman tried to pay for £30 of gas (or, as they call it across the pond, “petrol”) with 1p coins, running afoul of the UK’s “Coinage Act of 1971.” And you thought getting a handful of those Sacagawea coins as change from ticket machines was annoying… [Legal Juice] * Rupert Murdoch plans to split News Corp. in two, separating its scandal-ridden, phone-hacking publishing side from its lucrative entertainment side (including Fox News and Twentieth Century Fox). [Daily Intel / NY Mag] * And finally, in only slightly less vital legal news, Jonathan Lee Riches filed two new lawsuits in West Virginia against various Kardashians, involving (among other things) Al Qaeda training camps, unicorns, sex tapes, gunplay, and Charlie Sheen. [Miami New Times]
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