The ATL Interrogatories: 10 Questions With Jim Walden Of Walden Macht & Haran
Jim Walden of Walden Macht & Haran shares insights and experiences about the legal profession and careers in law.
Jim Walden of Walden Macht & Haran shares insights and experiences about the legal profession and careers in law.
Here are four suggestions for taking care of yourself in law school.
This complete system built for lawyers simplifies the complex world of law firm finance.
When you look at 1Ls, it’s no wonder that our profession ends up ranking among the highest for utter dissatisfaction, rampant substance abuse, and crippling depression.
I decided to do a 40-day challenge, during which I gave up complaining. That’s right, I stopped complaining for 40 days.
I have several different selves rattling around inside. No, I’m not suggesting multiple personality disorder. I’m alluding to the varied interests and aptitudes that have led to different careers over time.
Alison Monahan offers some advice for improving your law school performance.
LexisNexis’ ‘multi-doc’ feature for Automated Templates will add new efficiencies to your practice. Here’s how.
Advice for LSAC forums from Ann K. Levine of LawSchoolExpert.com.
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Is your firm keeping up with legal finance and tech trends? The 2025 Legal Industry Report shows how firms optimize cash flow, automate payments, and use AI. Download now for key insights.
Megan Grandinetti explores three ways lawyers can achieve a healthy separation from work-related electronic devices.
Drew Lewis, eDiscovery Counsel at Recommind, shares his thoughts and insights about the legal technology industry.
Summer associates, do you think you understand how to avoid that no-offer? Take our quiz to find out!
Jon Resnick of Huron Legal tackles 7 questions about the legal tech space.
David Mainiero, Admissions Expert at InGenius Prep, examines major factors pre-law students should consider before re-taking the LSAT in October.