Duane Morris

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Firm Summary

Founded in Philadelphia in 1904, to Duane Morris has grown to be a firm of over 800 lawyers in 28 offices around the globe. The firm's practice areas run the gamut, including litigation, corporate law, IP, business reorganization and financial restructuring, employment and immigration, energy and environment, health law, real estate, and private client services. Most recently, the firm has made a name for itself by building one of the most prominent practices in cannabis law. serving clients in nearly all facets of legal cannabis operations.

Firm Stats

Firm Name
Duane Morris
U.S. Lawyer Headcount
Headcount Change Since 2016
Overall +59 Partner -7
Salary Scale
Below Market
Hours Required
Mandatory Arbitration?
Average Lawyer Tenure at Firm (Years)
Revenue Per Lawyer Change Over Five Years
Women Partners (as Percentage of U.S. Lawyer Headcount)
Women Partners (As a Percentage of U.S. Partnership)
Promotion Rate
Leopard Solutions is our primary data partner for the Law Firm Transparency Project. This data was compiled in the first quarter of 2022. For the most current data, visit Leopard Solutions.

Firm Policies

Benefits and Perks
  • Firm has direct billing with preferred movers (up to $2.5K)

Above the Law Coverage

The Law Firm Transparency Project draws upon Above the Law research as well as data provided by Leopard Solutions and UniCourt. Click here for an expanded methodology and definition of terms.