* Bar exam results from Washington. Numbers are down… is the state’s alternative lawyer program partly responsible? [Bar Exam Stats]
* Important advice for a young attorney: consider the billing rates of your practice group. [Bobogado]
* Now the ACC is pulling out of North Carolina over the wide-ranging discrimination bill — superseding local ordinances protecting against LGBT discrimination generally — that dumb, reductionist types insist on calling the “bathroom law.” [CBS Sports]
* Acquittals require the human connection. [Katz Justice]
* And if you don’t believe that one, here’s the psychology to back it up. [Law360]
* You can get out of stuff by fearing documents? [Lowering the Bar]
* This sponsored post from our site is worth a look, featuring an interview with a general counsel and a managing partner on the fallout from the Moneylaw associate salary bumps. [Above the Law]
* Sad news tonight as Finnegan mourns the passing of Ford Farabow, one of the firm’s founding partners. [Finnegan]
Erika Harmon Arner, Managing Partner
Washington and Lee University School of Law
Anand K. Sharma, Chair
New York Law School, JD