The Greatest CLE Courses, The Latest

November Lineup: Authenticity in the Art World, U.S. Regulation of Airline Industry, Anti-Money Laundering Basics, and More

Thanksgiving’s around the corner, winter’s approaching, and for many us, so are our CLE deadlines! Not to worry – below are just a few exciting highlights from our upcoming November webcasts.

Can’t make a live webcast? That’s okay – all of our courses go on demand within 48 hours after airing.

  • Art Law: Navigating Authenticity in the Context of Purchase and Sale Transactions. Buying and selling art can be tricky, and involves a myriad of legal complexities. In particular, how do you know if the art you’re buying is actually authentic? Join a panel of art law attorneys as they reveal how to discern authenticity, and resolve authenticity disputes.  Airing November 2nd at 10 am EDT.
  • U.S. Regulation of the Airline Industry. Learn how the U.S. airline industry is regulated, and understand how that regulation affects the industry’s global markets. Plus, gain a sneak peek of what changes are likely to come under the new Administration. Airing November 10th at 2:30 pm EDT.
  • AML Compliance Basics for Lawyers. Gain an introduction to anti-money laundering compliance requirements for businesses in the financial services sector, and learn how to effectively counsel your clients in the industry. Airing November 14th at 11:30 am EDT.
  • So You Think You Are Ready for a Will Contest? Probate proceedings can be very difficult to navigate. This program will guide you through everything you need to know to handle the most commonly encountered scenarios in will contests. Airing November 20th at 1:30 pm EDT.
  • Trends & Predictions for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 2017 – 2018. In the last decade, the CFPB has had a significant impact in the financial industry. Join us for an overview of pending challenges to CFPB enforcement, and what changes may be coming for the agency.  Airing November 30th at 1 pm EDT.
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