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Morning Docket: 01.25.17
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.25.17

* Donald Trump is launching a "major investigation" into voter fraud because the rest of us pointed out that his popular vote claims were pure bull hockey. This is fantastic. We've known that voter fraud really isn't a thing for years but now there'll be proof. [CNN]

* A deeper dive into the Dentons conflict check snafu. [Litigation Daily]

* The original patent troll firm is no more. [Ars Technica]

* Sergey Aleynikov's conviction reinstated. "The decision is a 'big victory' for Vance and helps to enhance his reputation as a 'no-nonsense' prosecutor who will aggressively prosecute financial fraud." Wasting years pursuing a conviction the federal courts threw out just to appease Goldman Sachs donors in their private vendetta... sure that's the kind of financial fraud everyone's looking to see aggressively prosecuted. [Bloomberg]

* Deutsche out $110 million. [Law360]

* Hughes Hubbard files trademark application for Trump's reelection slogan "Keep America Great." Which he stole from The Purge, if you're wondering what's next on his agenda. [The Am Law Daily]

* Oh. And we have our first martial law sighting! [Salon]



Non-Sequiturs: 01.24.17

Non-Sequiturs: 01.24.17

* Elizabeth Warren's idealism bends to the new political reality. [The Hill]

* We get a one week reprieve from Jeff Sessions as the next Attorney General.[Politico]

* Welp, this horrific perversion of religion is particularly stomach turning. [Wonkette]

* Are the Dems willing to play ball? [Slate]

* The United Kingdom's plan to weaponize taxes. [Tax Law Prof]

* So... what's the injury in the Emoluments Clause case? [Dorf on Law]

* Reflections on Scalia's time on the bench. [YouTube]