Do The Work

Law Firm Basics: How To Impress A New Client

Getting and keeping clients requires you to make a lasting first impression.

handshake-shake-hands-shaking-hands-meeting-introduction-300x200Getting and keeping clients requires you to make a lasting first impression. But the first time a client comes in contact with your law firm may not be at a face-to-face meeting, it could be when they first run across your firm via a search result. Wherever a client finds you for the first time, it’s up to you to make a great impression. At Smokeball, we try to make sure that at any point someone finds us online or in person, that they have the best experience even before they have signed up with us to be a client. v

Deliver valuable information.

Whenever a potential client seeks out information about your law firm, they should find accurate and helpful information. You can almost ensure that you’re delivering valuable information to potential clients by making sure your website, law firm listings, and online advertisements are keyword rich and link to basic information about client legal issues. For example, if you’re a divorce lawyer, your website should have some FAQs and informative content about what clients can expect during a divorce in your state.

Demonstrate industry knowledge.

While it may be easy to demonstrate your understanding of a client’s industry during an in-person meeting, this task may be a little more tricky online.  Demonstrating your understanding of an industry on your website can be done with well-crafted articles and blogs, but you should also demonstrate this knowledge in your lawyer listings.  You can do this by listing any industry related organizations you’re a member of and any positions you hold in those organizations. If there is space, link to any legal articles you’ve written for industry publications.

Pay attention to the details.

Once you begin to engage a new client directly—online, in person, or on the phone, you want to pay close attention to the details of what they’re sharing.  Take notes and clarify anything you’re not sure that you understand. This willingness to deal with the details of a client’s issues from the onset of the relationship will make you stand out.  Also, the willingness to ask questions tells the client that you are an attorney who doesn’t mistakenly believe they already understand a client’s needs and goals.

Anticipate the client’s needs.

Once you’ve engaged a new client, it’s important that you understand and provide for their specific needs. If you’ve been paying attention to the details, you will be able to anticipate many of their needs. For example, if you know that a client is usually very busy on Wednesdays then you probably wouldn’t attempt to schedule a meeting on that day. While this may seem like a small issue, these small considerations can add up to a very positive first impression. You should also always consider your client in the context of their personal life, professional life, and the industry in which they’re working when you’re attempting to anticipate their needs.

Demonstrate patience when there are misunderstandings.

If you’re taking on a new client who has very little experience with attorneys, your willingness to patiently clear up misunderstandings can make a great impression.  If you anticipate working with many new clients who have very little understanding of the law, consider creating an information packet that can help them understand the basics and get a better idea of what they can expect from their relationship with you.

If you’re willing to make an effort to impress new clients, you’ll have an opportunity to turn first-timers into customers who will work with you in the future.


Smokeball - Lynn_ProfessionalLynn Luong is the Digital Marketing Manager for Smokeball, a case management software that increases productivity and efficiency for solo attorneys  and small law firms to become more profitable.  Lynn has over 8 years of experience in marketing with a focus on digital by developing successful strategies and managing many areas of marketing.

