Do The Work

Law Firm Basics: Focus On Cybersecurity Best Practices

Client data protection should be a priority for every law firm.

privacy-online-privacy-cyber-privacy-keyboard-in-chains-300x200Client data protection should be a priority for every law firm. Smokeball utilizes bank-grade encryption to protect our clients data, we take data very seriously. But mastering and implementing even the most basic cybersecurity systems and processes is often challenging for small and medium sized law firms. Let’s explore a few keys to implementing solid safeguards for your law firm’s sensitive client data.

Cybersecurity Basics

Cybersecurity impacts three basic areas for your law firm—threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences.

  • Threats.  Every law firm, regardless of size, faces cybersecurity threats that fall into two main categories, 1) internal threats and 2) external threats. Internal threats might include employees who inadvertently make your data vulnerable to attack by failing to use strong passwords or improperly installing and maintaining virus protection software.  And external threats might include nefarious hackers who target your law firm’s servers so that they can steal client data or other sensitive information.  Depending on your law firm’s profile, size, position, and other factors these threats could vary in type and they may or may not have a high probability of actually becoming a reality. However, you won’t know for sure unless you do a threat assessment to find out exactly what type of dangers you’re facing.
  • Vulnerabilities. No matter how hard you work to put a cybersecurity process and system in place, you will have vulnerabilities.  Those vulnerabilities are often internal factors such as employees who log into your network from an unsecure internet connection or who simply leave their computer unlocked when they’re not at their desk.  Another vulnerability could be that you have an ineffective and outdated firewall that doesn’t protect you from the latest threats. It’s not likely that you alone can identify all of the vulnerabilities in your law firm cybersecurity system so it’s best to have a cybersecurity professional identity your weak spots. Once you identify your vulnerabilities you can work to eliminate or at least minimize them.
  • Consequences. The fallout of having a weak cybersecurity system is that threats become realities that can cost you money and loss of confidence when data breaches are made public.  No client wants to risk having their sensitive data fall into the hands of cyber-criminals. This is why putting in place strong cybersecurity measures is just good business.  When it comes to setting your budget for cybersecurity, remember that you get what you pay for. It’s always a smart choice to invest in quality cybersecurity and account for the need to professionally maintain your systems and eventually upgrade when your system no longer meets your needs.  

When developing your cybersecurity system, always keep threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences in mind.  

Basic Cybersecurity Plan

Every law firm, no matter how small, should have in place a basic cybersecurity plan.  

  • Firewall. A high-quality firewall can protect your entire computer network. A firewall can block certain programs from accessing the internet, notify you when someone is attempting to hack your system, and allow you to adjust firewall security levels at anytime.
  • Virus/Spyware protection. Every time you access the internet, you’re vulnerable to malicious programs that can corrupt or steal data. High quality virus and spyware protection programs will neutralize these threats.
  • Data control. Controlling who can access client data is a cornerstone of good cybersecurity.  Limit all client data access to only those people who need it.
  • User training. Train support staff and attorneys how to use strong passwords and avoid downloading suspicious files.  

Creating a strong cybersecurity plan will help safeguard your sensitive client data.


Smokeball - Lynn_ProfessionalLynn Luong is the Digital Marketing Manager for Smokeball, a case management software that increases productivity and efficiency for solo attorneys  and small law firms to become more profitable.  Lynn has over 8 years of experience in marketing with a focus on digital by developing successful strategies and managing many areas of marketing.

