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Elite Litigation Boutique Matches Cravath

Law firm proves doing good and doing well go together.

While this year’s associate bonus watch news has mostly focused on the Biglaw behemoths, some high-end boutiques are paying market bonuses too. The legal landscape is changing and boutiques that staff up with top-tier talent are increasingly taking high-profile work from their bigger counterparts. And with top-tier talent comes top-tier compensation.

So it comes as no surprise that Roberta Kaplan’s new firm, Kaplan & Company LLC, announced a full Cravath match yesterday. Kaplan & Company isn’t even a year old, so the bonuses will obviously be pro-rated, but matching Cravath is a strong statement of confidence in the young firm’s continued success.

And that’s encouraging on a multiple levels, because it proves the firm’s stated mission — as Kaplan put it in her earlier Above the Law interview — is truly successful in doing good and doing well:

We will have a major public interest and pro bono component. Our goal, as stated on our site, is “to fuse together a private commercial practice with a public interest practice for the mutual benefit of both.” I have always treated pro bono clients just like all my other clients, and that will continue. Pro bono work makes you better as both a lawyer and a person.

Congratulations to the Kaplan & Company team and good luck on a successful 2018!

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Earlier: A History-Making Litigator Leaves Biglaw To Launch A Boutique
Groundbreaking New Boutique Hires Legal Wunderkind

HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.

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