Small Law Firms

New York Lawyer With Coronavirus In ‘Critical’ Condition

His identity and the name of his firm were revealed last night.

(Image via Getty)

Yesterday, New York confirmed its first community spread case of coronavirus — and the person infected was a lawyer. Members of the legal community wondered who it could be and which firm he worked for, especially after a law student entered self-quarantine due to contact with the lawyer’s firm.

In the evening hours, the lawyer’s identity and the name of his firm were revealed.

As first reported by the New York Post, the lawyer in question is 50 years old and works at Lewis & Garbuz, a boutique trusts and estates law firm with an office located across the street from Grand Central Terminal. The coronavirus patient reportedly works with two of his family members at the firm. According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Garbuz is currently in “severe condition.” Here are some additional details from the Post:

Their firm, founded in 2001, is located across 42nd Street from Grand Central Terminal, and Garbuz reportedly commuted there on the Metro-North Railroad from their family home in New Rochelle. …

[The patient] was initially hospitalized Friday at Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, but was transferred on Monday to NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in Upper Manhattan when his condition worsened.

He’s being treated in the intensive care unit, the hospital said.

We here at Above the Law would like to extend our well wishes for a quick recovery to this attorney’s family, friends, and colleagues during this extremely difficult time.

NYC lawyer with coronavirus in ‘severe’ condition: Health Department [New York Post]
Lawyer at Trusts & Estates Firm Is Severely Ill, Others Being Tested for Coronavirus [New York Law Journal]

Earlier: This Lawyer Has New York’s Second Confirmed Case Of Coronavirus
New York Law Student In Self-Quarantine After Contact With Coronavirus-Infected Lawyer’s Firm

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

