Small Law Firms

Daily Show Correspondent Joins Law Firm Because That’s Obviously The Logical Next Step

This actually makes a lot of sense the more you think about it.

handshake-2056023__340What do you do after you finish skewering the powerful as a Daily Show correspondent? Help sue the powerful with a plaintiff-side firm of course. In one of the more unexpected staffing press releases we’ve received, Edelson PC just announced that it’s bringing on actor and comedian Bob Wiltfong to serve as its new Director of Communication & Impact.

Perhaps it’s not that unexpected. Edelson has a rich tradition of embracing its artistic side, having formed Edelson Creative as a showcase for rap videos about non-compliance or Disney spoofs about class actions. The group also put out an award-winning video about its role in the Tom Girardi matter.

As part of his new job, Wiltfong will supply content to the creative wing, as well as directing the firm’s public relations. And what more would a plaintiff’s firm need out of public relations than a relatable voice to help folks understand they’re being screwed over by the powerful? It’s starting to sound a lot like The Daily Show.

He also famously hosted a TED Talk about taking the BS out of business speak. Not quite sure how “Director of Communication & Impact” fits into the business speak critique…


“I’m used to interacting with attorneys only while handcuffed and facing charges,” said Wiltfong. “So it’s refreshing to actually work with them on doing good things in this world – namely going after fraud, corruption, and inefficiencies in the world of class action lawsuits. I can’t wait to share Edelson stories with a bigger audience.”

Congratulations to Wiltfong and Edelson.

Earlier: Law Firm Partner Drops Rap Video About Class Actions
Law Firm Busts Out Two New Rap Videos
The ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’ Class Action Song You Didn’t Know You Wanted

