A&L Goodbody

  • Ann Althouse, Gay, Gay Marriage, Law Schools, Legal Ethics, Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.26.14

    * Congratulations to A&L Goodbody partner Cian McCourt on becoming a father after his wife gave birth on the sidewalk at 68th Street and 3rd Avenue. [BBC News] * A class action alleging that hotel price gouging led to a broken tooth. What? [Lowering the Bar] * Remember the “you’re not good enough” rejection letter? Well, now you can express your feelings about it with this poll. [Althouse] * A comprehensive survey to the access to justice available to the average America. Spoiler alert: Not a lot. [National Center for Access to Justice] * Florida-sized corruption allegations. [South Florida Lawyers] * Is law school a Veblen good? [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * Dan Patrick (the Texas Republican, not the famous anchor) told all his Twitter followers the true definition of marriage: “ONE MAN & ONE MAN.” Sorry, lesbians. [Slate]
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