
  • Non-Sequiturs: 02.24.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.24.17

    * Big scoop: here’s what Merrick Garland is really up to. [Clickhole]

    * “I love the First Amendment. Nobody loves it better than me.” …and other lies the president told me. [Huffington Post]

    * Hey! Remember law school? Remember torts? Remember the “spring gun case”? Here’s an interview with the lawyer behind that one. [Coverage Opinions]

    * In an alternative universe, Melania Trump is a deportation priority, not the First Lady. [Slate]

    * Yes, after 20 pages even a federal judge’s eyes start to glaze over. [Law Prose]

    * Budget cuts are behind the IRS’s 10 year low audit rate. [TaxProf Blog]

    * The robots can’t duplicate expert opinions. [Law and More]

    * Can two people keep a secret if one of them is a robot? [Ars Technica]

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