
  • Non-Sequiturs: 08.21.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 08.21.17

    * So we care about science today? Okay. Medical exemptions to school vaccinations are soaring in California, now that personal exemptions are not being offered. [Scienceblogs]

    * Sam Clovis thinks that legalized same-sex marriage could lead to legalized pedophilia. Luckily, he’s just Trump’s pick to be “chief scientist for the Department of Agriculture.” He’s free to slut shame all the asexually reproductive plants he wants, they’re not going to listen to him. [CNN]

    * About once a year, I feel the need to remind people that Charles Barkley is not my president. [The Root]

    * Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is trying to explain to his Yale classmates why he is NOT resigning from the Trump administration. It’s not a novel argument: I’m not here for the Nazi sympathizing, but for what’s really important… tax cuts. [Vox]

    * Confederate statues = bad. Voter suppression by Confederates against minorities = worse. [Election Law Blog]

    * Robert Mueller’s investigation is so coming for Don Trump Jr. [BuzzFeed]

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