
  • Education / Schools, Election Law, Federal Government, Guns / Firearms, Minority Issues, Money, Non-Sequiturs, Police, Violence

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.10.13

    * Wait, are we really going to have to debate the legal merits of this platinum coin thing? Really? Can’t Congress just not hold the country hostage so we don’t have to start messing around with crazy coins and the Fourteenth Amendment? Like, you don’t have to start doing bats**t crazy Carrie Mathison things if you don’t let terrorists take Nicholas Brody in the first place. [The Volokh Conspiracy] * There was another school shooting today. It just makes you wonder if the terrible reign ushered in by Grand Theft Auto will ever end. At least, in this case, the teacher was armed to the teeth WITH WORDS to TALK DOWN the shooter. [Huffington Post] * “Illegal” trades don’t mean the same thing to bankers as they do to everybody else. Well, that’s not true. Maybe the disconnect is more with the word “consequences.” [Dealbreaker] * Yeah, I’m going to go on and say that I’m not going to believe anything coming out of the Trayvon Martin police report. Just like I wasn’t considering anything coming out of racist ass Mark Fuhrman. [Tampa Bay Times] * There’s a lot to lose if Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act gets struck down. [Slate] * I suppose it’s good that lawyers don’t have “I’m going to do a half-assed job here” fees. [Underdog]
  • 9/11, Barack Obama, DealBreaker, Federal Judges, Non-Sequiturs, Politics, Tax Law, Women's Issues

    Non-Sequiturs: 09.11.12

    * Obama has made more women federal judges than any other president in history. But he still has a long way to go to match Bill Clinton’s record for being judged by women. [Wall Street Journal] * Let’s agree that neither of the people running for president should be a tax lawyer. [Going Concern] * This story about law firms involved in a class action suit allows me to quote one of the great Abraham Lincoln lines, as retold by the late Shelby Foote: “There’s too many pigs for the tits.” [Forbes] * Proof that bankers have a better life. [Dealbreaker] * Did you know that there is a typo on the Liberty Bell? [Josh Blackman's Blog] * Louisiana has a problem with deadbeat corporations that owe money to the state. Apparently, businesses run from their debts just as well as students. [Lexis Tax Community]
  • Banking Law, Career Alternatives, Job Searches, Law Schools

    Things You Can Do With a Law Degree: Bank Teller

    Last week, Elie derisively noted that legal blogs were pushing a silly story in U.S. News about great careers that you can pursue with a law degree. No matter how bad legal hiring gets, law schools like pushing the "you can do anything with a law degree" angle, based on the anecdotal evidence of those who were lucky enough to parlay their J.D. degrees into something non-legal. Obviously, Elie's got some anecdotes of his own. But here's a job, a real live job, that's actually being offered to law students as we speak (or type). If you really want to know "what you can do with a law degree," take a freaking look....
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