Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 06.16.21
* The Supreme Court ruled that a low-level crack-cocaine offender was unable to receive a reduced sentence under a recently passed law. That’s whack… [CNN]
* A defendant acting as his own lawyer yelled at lawyers during opening arguments at his murder trial yesterday. [NBC News]
* An Indian lawyer accidentally showed that he was wearing shorts during a virtual hearing earlier this week. [India Today]
* Check out this article on the persuasive impact of Supreme Court briefs. [Juris Lab]
* Kodak officials must testify in a probe about insider trading. That should be a Kodak moment… [Bloomberg Law]
Attorney Misconduct, Basketball, Celebrities, Cocaine / Crack, Divorce Train Wrecks, Drugs, Legal Ethics, Ridiculousness, Sex, Sex Scandals, Sports
Did This Lawyer Allow Lamar Odom To Review Her Client Files While He Was High On Crack?
This seems too ridiculous to be true, but we've got her on film admitting to it! - Sponsored
Generative AI at Work: Boosting e-Discovery Efficiency for Corporate Legal Teams
While generative AI may feel like a hot new topic, the legal industry is no stranger to leveraging artificial intelligence. -
Canada, Drugs, Politics
Maybe The Toronto Mayor Should Skip The P.R. Lawyer and Go Straight To Criminal Defense Attorney?
Toronto Mayor allegedly gets caught smoking crack, and his lawyer apparently gets caught hyperventilating while trying to kill the story...
Bankruptcy, Barry Bonds, Baseball, Drugs, Football, Sports
NFL QB Takes Out Loans Like Uninformed Law Students
You’ll have to excuse me if this post comes off a bit more confused or muddled than it usually does. It’s being written amidst the swirl and din of Valentine’s Day preparations. This year, I’m making dinner which I thought would be the easier (read: cheaper) option. Listen, there’s a reason I’m poor. And it’s […]
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