Department of Transportation

  • Morning Docket: 11.29.21
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 11.29.21

    * Thanksgiving turkey have you thinking about home insurance? This might be worth a look. [Law360]

    * The Department of Transportation is in hot water over a (bad) meme that might count as lobbying. Maybe this is a sign they should leave it to the professionals. [FOX News]

    * If not knowing enough about the Rittenhouse and Arbery trial outcomes made your uncle question if your JD was really better than his “research” (read: Google searches), it might be a good time to review some legal concepts. Let’s start with felony murder. [NPR]

    * Maine’s “Right to Food” law probably has Wickard turning in his crops. C’est la vie. [Economist]

    * Oregon is about to pass the CROWN law which may help our coaches and coworkers achieve a goal they’ve been struggling with for a very long time — leaving black folks the hell alone. [OPB]

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