Eric Miller

  • Morning Docket: 10.22.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.22.18

    * Remember how Trump promised that he’d “fight for” the transgender community while he was campaigning? Perhaps he meant that he’d fight to erase them. The Trump administration is reportedly considering defining sex under Title IX “based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth.” [New York Times]

    * Democratic senators in Washington are refusing to return their blue slips for Perkins Coie partner Eric Miller, a Ninth Circuit nominee, and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is pissed. Slow your roll, Chuck. I thought we didn’t care about blue slips anymore? [The Recorder]

    * About half of lawyers in the United Kingdom say they’re not ready to deal with Brexit. That’s okay. The United Kingdom isn’t ready to deal with Brexit either — and 40 percent of lawyers think their Biglaw firms will try to escape the UK because of it. [Am Law International]

    * In case you missed it, Paul Manafort showed up at the Eastern District of Virginia on Friday afternoon in a wheelchair, citing health concerns as his attorney requested an expedited sentencing date. Manafort seems to have gotten what he wanted, and will be sentenced there on February 8. [National Law Journal]

    * During his inauguration speech, the University of Virginia’s new president, James Ryan — a UVA Law graduate who once worked as a UVA law professor — pledged that tuition would be free for students whose families earned less than $80,000 a year. We wonder if that applies to law school tuition as well. [WTTF Fox 5]

  • Morning Docket: 07.16.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 07.16.18

    * A White House spokeswoman claims that Judge Brett Kavanaugh “had never heard any allegations of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment” made against Judge Alex Kozinski prior to last year when everyone else found out, and an extern who worked in Kozinski’s chambers while Kavanaugh clerked is backing him up. [Washington Times]

    * The art of the deal don’t: United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May says that President Trump told her she should sue the European Union instead of negotiating when it comes to Brexit options. There’s no real cause of action, so she says that won’t be happening — not like that’s something that has ever stopped Trump before. [Vox]

    * President Trump leaned heavily on Biglaw partners for his latest nominations to the federal judicary. Perkins Coie, K&L Gates, and Barnes & Thornburg could soon see representation on the Ninth Circuit, the Western District of Washington, the Western District of Pennsylvania, and the Northern District of Indiana. [The Recorder]

    * After months of debate, a panel has finally recommended that Florida State rename the law school building via legislative action. It currently recognizes former Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice B.K. Roberts., a ” staunch segregationist” who once tried to deny a black student’s admission to U. Florida’s law school. [Tallahassee Democrat]

    * “For better or worse, I have become an agent for hope for those that are opposing this president.” Michael Avenatti is famous for being President Trump’s biggest critic, but he’s “using that platform for good.” In addition to Stormy Daniels, he now represents parents whose children were separated from them at the border. [AP]

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