Greg Abbot

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.08.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.08.16

    * Texas Governor Greg Abbott is calling for a constitutional convention to add 9 new amendments to the constitution in the name of state rights. Texas, you’re drunk, go home. [Dallas Morning News]

    * Clients are now demanding to text their lawyers. This is the official end of free time. [Daily Lawyer Tips]

    * Constructing the history of black pain. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * The SEC has announced sanctions against Steven Cohen — he’ll be barred from managing hedge funds for two years. [Dealbreaker]

    * Dealing with ambiguity in bankruptcy law when it comes to liability payments. [Law and More]

    * A sandwich? You just committed armed robbery for a crappy sandwich? Bad decision, dude. [Legal Juice]

    * A great podcast previewing the trial of the Winter Soldier. [The Legal Geeks]

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