Indian Child Welfare Act

  • Morning Docket: 10.28.21
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 10.28.21

    * THE Conlaw guy shares his thoughts on the current state of qualified immunity. 2Ls, get your highlighters ready. [ABA Journal]

    * Illinois sets governor up to nix a 1995 law that required doctors to inform parents when patients under 17 get an abortion. [WCIA]

    * If Donny wants to sue for his Twitter handle back, he’ll have to do it in California. He’ll be fine, I’m sure they have golf courses there. [The Hill]

    * Jury selection appears to be difficult when the defendants are literal Nazis. While impartiality is important, I am glad it’s difficult to find people neutral about swastikas. [Washington Post]

    * An Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) case is testing the limits of tribal sovereignty. This is the most active season of SCOTUS determining rights since Plessy! [Missouri Independent]

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