Jim Acosta

  • Non Sequiturs: 11.18.18

    Non Sequiturs: 11.18.18

    * Walter Dellinger and Marty Lederman offer their analysis of the Office of Legal Counsel memo, written by Assistant Attorney General Steve Engel, on the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General. [Just Security]

    * WWRMD: What Would Robert Mueller Do, in the event that he’s fired by Matt Whitaker? His options would be limited, according to Joel Cohen and Jennifer Rodgers. [The Hill]

    * As for who will become the next Senate-confirmed Attorney General, here are some possibilities — including Glenn Reynolds’s picks. [Instapundit]

    * Victoria Baranetsky, general counsel at the Center for Investigative Reporting, argues that the Jim Acosta case is about protecting press rights as well as due process. [Take Care]

    * Facebook friends aren’t “real” friends — at least according to this interesting new opinion from the Florida Supreme Court, highlighted by Eugene Volokh. [Reason / Volokh Conspiracy]

    * Managing partners don’t get no respect at law firms — and Bruce MacEwen thinks that’s a problem. [Adam Smith Esq.]

    * Even though it has been out for just a few months, Westlaw Edge already has 1,500 subscribers — and if you’re thinking about getting it, tune in to this (sponsored) webinar to learn more. [Dewey B Strategic]

    * Yesterday I spoke at the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention on a panel about technology, social media, and legal ethics, featuring Judge Don Willett (5th Cir.), Chief Judge Stephen Dillard (Ga. Ct. App.), Josh Blackman, and John Browning. Check it out!

  • Morning Docket: 11.16.18
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 11.16.18

    * After delaying the decision, Judge Tim Kelly will be releasing his ruling in CNN’s First Amendment case at 10 a.m. Is it lawful to revoke a reporter’s press pass after an argument with the president? We’ll soon find out. [USA Today]

    * “[W]e’re not going to leave any judges behind over these next two months.” According to Senator Tom Cotton, the Senate is apparently planning to work through Christmas and New Year’s Eve to confirm all of President Trump’s judicial nominees in an effort to head off any obstruction by the Democrats. [Washington Times]

    * “I’m not trying to be rude. I can see your résumé. You’re a rock star.” Despite her strong résumé, Allison Jones Rushing, the 36-year-old Fourth Circuit nominee, was repeatedly questioned by the Judiciary Committee about her “life experience” — or lack thereof, since she graduated from law school 11 years ago. [National Law Journal]

    * What is David Boies planning for his next act? Is retirement on the table? He and the other name partners at Boies Schiller Flexner have apparently “been planning succession for 15 years.” He said if he retired today, “the firm would be in good shape,” but he thinks he “still [has] some things to contribute.” [New York Law Journal]

    * Stormy Daniels says that while the “serious and obviously very troubling” domestic violence allegations against her lawyer Michael Avenatti are “only allegations” and that she’ll “reserve judgement” [sic] until the investigation ends, she’ll be “seeking new representation” if it turns out that the allegations are true. [New York Magazine]

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